Deep Denial

That's been a persistent 'bad' quality in my way of not dealing with things this important! Suffice it to say I had a rude awakening the day my daughter actually left for RTC Great Lakes. ~I could have done more!~ Regret such as this, leaves a terrible mark; on both of us.Though I was fortunate to have my eyes peeled back the night before we drove to MEPs Sacramento, I could have done more for my daughter. I suppose its never to late to confess truths, and bear ones soul; to ask for Forgiveness!The huge hugs she gave me, was indication she would give me a second chance to 'be there' for her now, and forever :); emotionally and with an open mind for the critical, most crucial choice she has made for herself; a life in the US Navy.I'm eager to find out more about Navy life and carreer oporotunities, enlisted ranks, and progressive promotions; I want to be on the same page as she is, so she knows I am paying attention 'now' that she is really there.No, this is not a woe is me blog/post, though if anyone can relate, perhaps you know what it means when the nest is truly empty and you feel you could have shared so much more with them before they left? For all you splendid fathers that worked with your daughters to prepare before they left for boot, I am envious; you did GOOD!~.My daughter Allison, left her precious little Boston Terrier with me, and now I'm a converted non dog fancier, to being that of loving the pup, and giving Allison the heartfelt relief that her dog is being taken care of with no reservations that it will be with love and genuine acceptance, want. I want to do this for her.Although there undoubtedly will be several homecomings and joyous days of liberty/leave, I don't rightly know if Allison will ever reside with me again; perhaps this is that last time. At age 19 I thought we had more time; college, home again, graduation, job hunting and "someday" (not today) not eight days ago, she would leave home and find a home for herself. Alas....Home, the Navy is her home now. I've got to wrap my mind around that one and come to grips with the fact she is on the precipace of life and rebirth as a Sailor, as a woman. My daughter,....Allison, I am so Proud Of Her. So very proud she is serving her country, answering the call.Dadps. Divorced; no attachments, one daughter came home to 'regroup' and get a handle on her finances; we're doing good.
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  • You will all discover that this process is a lot harder on the parents than on our sailors....they just do it....we worry about it!! After the first week and the initial shock wears off, you'll see that the time goes by alot faster than you think it will and before you know it you'll be sitting in the drill hall for PIR.
  • Paul - awesome post. So many Children serving!

    "I really don't have a choice"! that is dead on what I was in such denial about. That's spilt milk; I'm on board and supporting Allison all along this fabulous endeavor, the journey that is her life, now and forever...with that wonderful Flag o're head!

    I hope here bearings take a heading home, and I hope we use this time wisely; I will learn so much more about her now, and I'm bursting with Pride! thanks Paul
  • Joel - yea same here.. two sets of parents.. so its hard - I did however, last hour get a call from him - sitting at the airport just waiting... :) he is with 4 other soon to be sailors .. and just joking and laughing all relaxed now :) Hang in there :)
  • Dan, thanks

    Best wishes to your family and Son. We'll all have the hardship of the holidays without our respective son or daughter and wonder how well they will cope with the lack of normalcy this year. I don't know what if anything "Special" will be provided for them; it should be close to week 5, a major hurdle for them right? I hope they get more than one phone call since she has parents in two house holds...and so many friends she wants to call for sure (priorities)!

    thanks again, Joel
  • Joel - my son departed today for GL - and yes it was I think one of the hardest things to ever have to do.. the tears were flowing, the smiles and laughter were all there too! He is 19.. and he thinks this is a great opportunity for him. I know when I was 18, I was at Ft. Benning, GA going through Army bootcamp and Airborne School... and I thought it was the best thing for me!

    I told him how proud we all were, how joyful we all were.. but still it hurts seeing my little army buddy leave.... but, I know after things are all said and done, he too will be able to experience the sights that I was able to see when I was in the military...

    Hang Tight - and we are all in this together! ~* SALUTE*~
  • welcome to the journey Joel! It's been almost 5 years since Kat shipped off to Great Lakes and I've finally come to terms with her gone and out in the world. It was a little easier because she was with her mom and I had gotten somewhat used to the idea of not seeing her each day...still....
    Now her journey in the Navy draws to a close as her enlistment is up in April. She has found a life of her own...she will do well I'm sure and has choosen to stay int eh Seattle area...has an apartment and serious boyfriend of eight months...plans for school in the fall. You'll really have no choice int he matter!! In retrospect, the years have FLOWN by...I cannot believe it's been that long since I flew to Chicago for her PIR....and then to repeat the process with her brother!!!!! You'll end up like me...and EG...and all the rest of us crazy NavyDads....Navy stuff everywhere and soon you'll know as much about Nvay life as our kids do!! Enjoy it and share the experience!!
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