
Whats the difference in the divisions. My son is in a 900 division and I see that that is more for the band and marching. How do you get picked for that division. My son was never in a band. He actually told me in a letter that the 900 divisions are the better of them. How do they make that determination, and how does that affect him when he graduates. 

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  • Carlton....you should be receiving one or more this week....

  • my son left for bootcamp on 07/11/2012 and he was placed into ship 02 division 943 what a great honor we,  his mother and i felt after we found out what the 900 divisions were we are so proud of him.but i have a question our son has been at bootcamp for 3 weeks when should we be getting a letter from him we got the phone call when he got there and the letter from the navy about the what can and can't be sent to him we would just love to hear from him because we do miss him alot.

  • Recruits that have some musical or drill and ceremony experience such as JROTC and ROTC are most likely to be the ones selected for this division. However, the final decision is made by the RDCs. Once assigned to the 900 division these recruits go through the same training as other divisions in addition to performance duties. It's all good... :)

  • 900-divisons are performing divisions: band, choir, drill, honor guard, etc.. 800-divisons are pre-BUD/s, SpecOps, EOD, etc..  All other divisions are "normal" divisions.  Doesn't have any real effect after PIR unless going into a performing rating.

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