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  • they usually move to barracks. go to ship to work during the maintence period.. my sailor has been there for more than a year ..a lot of duty but they are land based.. get some time during week or weekends. just depends  whats going on....mine just got promoted to e5 so moving off base to a apartment because getting BAH.

  • My stepson's ship has been in maintenance for a year, the ones that did not move to barracks lived on a barge next to the ship, they had duty, watches, training and did some of the work/maintenance.

  • I knew what you meant bud....and I have a YouTube channel just for that purpose but didn't want to go thru the waiting for stuff to upload on an Advent Sunday....had other priorities!

  • its unusual that they keep those on YouTube for this long....a lot of the Navy vids are only up for about a year or so

  • They're already on YouTube so I can grab them from there.

  • It would have to be the originals copied to YouTube then I could copy them down.

  • I have a number of the vids as files on my system, but don't think I have them all anymore...over the next couple of days let me see if I can organize those and how much space they take....if not too bad I might be able to write to a disc and send it to you--

  • I think the page is coded to block remote saving of the video file.

  • I just tried RealPlayer- don't think that will work.....I'll have to play around and see.  These were uploaded before we switched most vids to iFrames......

  • that depends on what software you could try RealPlayer and download to your computer.  From there you could write to disc or drive

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