Feeling Proud

I know I am new to navydads, but I feel so much better knowing that someone is there when i'm feeling down. Although my son Sean is leave for basic training on 11/16, I am preparing my feelings for his departure. We are a very close knit family and this will be the first time any of us have been away from each other. With your help, I know I can get through this. My son is so excited about his new adventure, and I am very proud of him.Thank you navy dads.....................
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  • That is the goal of NavyDads Eddie. We've all been through this...I've said goodbye to both my daughter and my son as they left for great Lakes....it seem like yesterday but Kat have almost 5 years in now and will be leaving the Navy in April. The time does go by faster than you think! Anyway...call on us Eddie when you have questions or concerns...and be sure to read through the many back posts in the Bootcamp and PIR groups.....there are a ton of questions and answers there and you'll see that no matter what, someone has has experienced it and can help you through the bootcamp days! HooYah!
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