My son left for BC on August 12th. We received his box within the first few days however, as of today, we have yet to receive the Formal Letter indicating his address, list of attendees for graduation and password to get on the base. My wife is making herself sick worrying why we haven't received the letter when others that left the same day have. She is worried it got lost in the mail. Any suggestions???
This week.....just breathe and try to relax. It is a long ride...but will be over before you know it!
be patient. everything works in a slower mode. the official letter, letters and phone calls will come. they are in good hands. our son graduated yesterday and says it was a great 8 weeks and that he would do it again. congratulations on your son's enlistment. i suggest that your wife join my wife did and it really helped having both of us connected. can take up to 14 days