
Ok yall...please explain this 'gifting" business! I know I'm not computer literate, my 17 yr old will tell you that. I could follow directions...if there were any...and not difficult to follow. I hear some snickers out there! I 'gifted' a box to a friend on N4M's, used 75 credits. Logged onto Navy Dads and found I couldn't 'gift' Michele because I only had 25 credits left. Huh?! How do you get more credits so I can cutsie up some dad pages with teddy bears and such? Heehee
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  • Yep,
    100 free credits per member and then they'll have to buy more credits. I haven't found the prices yet.
  • I read the email. It is a revenue sharing thing from Ning. From what I've read so far it looks like members get a 100 free credits to start and then they'll have to buy them and Ning will split the profits 50/50 with me. Not quite sure yet. I don't like the idea of members having to buy credits to use this feature, so it might get hacked. I'll post back when I know more.

    Cindy, Evan will be home tomorrow night. I'll pass along the info to Cindy. Glad to hear Morgan is getting leave.
  • I haven't seen it on FaceBook either.....I guess the teddy bear would be nice but maybe a good ol' T-bone would be a little more fitting!!!!
  • 4000 credits! Imagine how girlie your Cindy could make all the dad's pages! I haven't seen any 'manly' images. Good old Ning. I was just on facebook, I don't have it but that doesn't mean it's not there. You let Cindy keep those credits. Oh! Would you please tell her that Morgan's 96 hrs leave has been reinstated and he'll be home Nov. 6th. He flies back on the 11th and we'll fly out on the 12th for a "secret" wedding. Tell Evan I said hello.
  • Cindy,

    I'm with Paul, it showed up on the site and I haven't had time to see what it's about. Ning is the company in which I built the site through. They have their own tech team that constantly updates it's features for their social network clients. I'm guessing it's a Facebook thing that has been carried over into Ning networks. If we like it, we can keep it and if we don't, we can get rid of it. I have 4,ooo credits, if I knew how to pass them along to you than I would. I'm guessing the more time you spend on the site the more credits you get. Not sure though! They sent me an email about it, so I'll go read it and will post back in here what it's about.
  • Us ladies do this to liven up your page, but your's is pretty livened up already! Don't you want a cute little teddy bear or pixie on your page?
  • It's a mystery to me too....come home from work, update NavyDads page and there it is a Ning (the provider) thing.....I know everyone was given 100 credits and each "gift" have a value...after you use those up I guess you can purchase more, though for the life of me I fail to see why anyone would. Maybe the FaceBook and Twitter generation can explain it better than I can..........
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