Goose Creek A School Graduation - July 25, 2014

Hi, albeit a very short ceremony we are planning on a last minute trip to surprise (or partially surprise) our son graduating from A School this Friday, 07/25/14.Due to family work schedules it's only two of us, our youngest son and myself. The benefit would be two-fold; to show our continued support for our Navy son, and spend some one on one time with my youngest. And to take some pictures as well.The question, does it make sense to try and surprise him or would we need to get names on list in advance like we did for the PIR ceremony?Thanks in advance for any input.Gerry M.
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  • Thanks, we are all set and have our names on the list.
    We appreciate the input ...
  • Hi Gary - when we went to A school grad in Goose Creek our son had to put our names on a list.  There is no limit to the # he can invite but they did check names at the gate.....

  • Thanks so much for the input, it is greatly appreciated. We came to the same conclusion last night, and glad you reaffirmed it, as he's gone camping and other activities several times with some friends on the weekend.
    Best regards,
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