
Was wondering if anyone was aware of a dinner the night before graduation? If so I know I read it but do not see it anyware. It was at a grill and pub around 5 if I remember correctly any ideas


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  • will not regret attending the event.............absolutely wonderful, wholesome event.....good food with lots of respect and love in the room.......Congratulations and enjoy every second of it.....  Pat

  • Sarge does a really nice job at the Meet and Greet.....I highly recommend you going. It will be other families with sons/daughters in the same PIR week.
  • Hi Robert, If you look under "Events" on the right bottom side of the screen you will see the info for the Meet and Greet.  It'll contain all the info needed as well as the link to RSVP.  I hear that it's something not to miss :-)  Hope that helps !

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