Graduation 6 more days

Matt called yesterday and he just got done with 42 hrs of battle stations. Sounded wore out. But he's spirits are still high. He is ready for Pre-buds to get started though. He gave me the low down on what is going to happen on the 20th. Do we really need to get there four hrs early. Hope someone can help me out here. His mother is getting really antsy she is ready to go now. Can't wait to see the man he is turning into..Thanks everyone for your support,Jim
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  • Good info thanks Gary
  • Jim, to answer your question reference your time of arrival. I would say it depends on the individual. If you want your choice of seats in front of your Division, I would say go early. My wife and I took the 06:30 shuttle from the Marriott Courtyard. The cost was $3.00 per person each way. Counting a short delay we arrived at the RTC gate at around 07:00. The shuttle by passes all the vehicles waiting in line to enter through the gate. All passengers get off the shuttle and enter the guard shack. They check your names against the listed family, stamp your hand and pass you through.

    Now this is important. Once you have passed onto the base you can walk directly to the parade hall. Several people who walked from the main gate saw people enter the building next to the Nex. Those folks stood in line again to have there names checked again and receive another stamp. The second check was not necessary. The second check area is for the folks who drove onto the base and parked in the church parking lot. If you do take a shuttle and are checked at the main gate ask them to clarify your walking directly to the parade hall. Can save time.

    Getting to the hall early will almost guarantee your choice of seats in front of your Division. Granted an early arrival makes for a sore behind but it is well worth it when you see your sailor PIR. If you choose the balcony, great area for pictures. I sat in the third row on the aisle on the first level. I shot some good video but the balcony is the best. I chose close so I could meet my son and be seen by my son while he stood with his Division. I was able to get good video close-ups of his face and watched his reactions as the PIR progressed.

    Sitting closer to the front enabled him to watch his mother and me swell with excitement throughout the program. I had no problem finding him once liberty was called. All divisions had coats and scarfs which they had to scramble for as liberty was being called. Was a bit confusing but we prevailed. We talked with our son for 10 minutes before he left to move his clothing to the main NAVY base at Great Lakes. Nick was considered a grad and go. Because he was immediately transferred to the main base he was given a 48 hour liberty. We live in Illinois within the 300 mile restriction, so we brought him home for two days. Gary F.
  • with a lot of divisions it fills up pretty fast, so the early bird gets the choice of seats....but it means some serious cheek time....

    find out haw many divisions are in PIR...typically about 75-85 per div...more than about 9 divisions means a lot of people............
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