Graduation date?

My son left for boot camp on June 26th. Does anyone know when the graduation date is. I can't seem to get the exact date. My son called late at night to give us the OK but I don't expect to hear from him again for a couple of week

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  • hey Tom, and Jeff, my son also left on the 26th of June, just got letter today. he is in Div 262 and the letter says his graduation is set for the 24th of Aug also.

  • Jeff thanks for the info. my wife is freaking out now because my son left 2 days before your son did and we have not received anything. the only thing my sons recruiter told us was he is in Division 941. I did see t on the navy website that the graduation for august 17th, includes up to division 940. so I am assuming that when they update the website the August 24th graduation will include division 941. 

  • My son left 28JUNE12. We got the info packet today. His graduation is set for 24AUG12.

  • Tom:  See my blog post or go to this link for information about graduation:

    Joseph E. Shaffer III

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