Graduation date

My daughter is in her first week of basic training does anyone have an idea when the graduation will take place also do you have any ideas on hotel places near the base in Chicago Illinois
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  • There is a large mall about 10 miles from the base called Gurnee Mills Mall. There are a couple of hotels there. My oldest son was at Great Lakes for almost 2 years after he graduated boot camp. We visited him several times and always stayed at the Fairfield Inn Gurnee Mills. My youngest graduates October 9 and we are staying there again.  Nice hotel, reasonble, and lots to do and places to eat  close by.

  • If you see your sailor off at ohare, park in E lot and use airport transit system to terminal,
    Good luck!
  • As far as a place to stay, Navy Lodge is nice and inexpensive. Just tell them that your sailor is graduating boot camp. Marriott Residence Inn is nice, as well, but a bit pricier. You get an excellent breakfast and they have a get together snack that is pretty much a meal. Be careful of the places near the base. The one we stayed at had excellent reviews, but sucked. We had a non-smoking room, but had to walk down a smoking hall to get to it. Hated it. Muffins for breakfast, only. Just my $0.02.

  • Thanks again
  • Thanks Jeremy for the feedback I will hold on to the link that you provided and give it to my wife
  • Hey Robert.  I know you may have said it somewhere else, but what day did she leave?  My daughter left on 9/1 and she is in Ship 11, Div 362 adn graduates 30 October.

    You will receive a form letter with all of her information very soon, if not already.  Also, I found out last night that a good deal for non-military families is that they can stay at the Navy Lodge on base.  The rooms are $66 for two queen beds or $72 for two queens and a kitchen.  Their number is (847) 689-1485.  They will ask for your daughters name and you will be good to go.  Hope that helps.

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