great lakes rtc graduation

hello to all you dads, my son graduated rtc on nov 30th and just wanted to say it was one of the proudest moments of my life. the feeling of pride that you will have when your sons division and the other divisions come marching in cannot be described. we as dads have all done the best we can to try and guide our sons in the right direction. when your son is standing there to the applause of thousands of people you and he will both know what all the effort was for.  a tip for everyone for after graduation,go to the photography building on base. they have pics of graduation,pics of ur son in uniform,nice navy frames for photos and a dvd of graduation all for sale there.

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  • Dave....have your Son order you a DVD of the PIR!

  • Going to miss seeing my son, we just can't come up with the gas money and hotel stay and someone to watch the dogs and my daughter still has school, we live in Florida but I am very proud of my son as well as proud of all ya'lls.

  • Jim, where is the event section? Can't find it. Thanks again

  • Jim, Thanks for the info. Yes I will be attending Sarges with my wife and son's girlfriend. How early do you recommend getting there? Look forward to meeting you and other Navy families.

  • Thanks for the info. My son has PIR on 1/11/13. 2 weeks away and we are looking forward to it. Did you happen to go to any of the "Meet and Greets" on Thursday? If so, which one did you go to and how was it? Thanks again.

  • Thank you for this info my daughter has PIR on Jan. 25th

  • PIR is most definitely a proud moment for us parents. Congrats to you and Bravo Zulu to your Son!

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