He did it.

We just got back home form Great lakes. Its was a great experience. My son graduated and will be doing his A school in Great Lakes. He definitely changed. But he still had his funny side to him. while talking to him I noticed a lot more respect but also noticed he still had his funny little quirks that he left with. I think that it good. I could tell by the way he was talking and some of the stories he told me that he deep down really enjoyed the boot camp.(Some what). We were walking back from the NEX after graduation and he never put his cover on. Some other kid yelled to him"hey Byrnes". my son waved at him and threw him a smile. the kid yelled back, "put your cover on" and started laughing. The panic in his his eyes with the nervous laugh made me laugh at him. Anyway we took him into Chicago to get some deep dish pizza. he was craving that for a long time. Went to Gino's. Good pizza. He was walking so rigid. I asked him what was wrong, he said he is trying not to get the sweat from his back to touch his shirt. Very funny. I asked him if he would get in trouble if a ranking officer saw that, he said probably not, but he just wanted to look good in the uniform. he was wearing his "peanut butters". I was impressed. All in all , it was a great trip. It was great seeing him. 

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