He Made It

Tonight, I received the last call I will receive from Brett for the next three weeks. He got to call to inform us that he had a safe flight and made it to Great Lakes to begin his Navy career. He left a mid-70s Southern California sunny day this morning and arrived to temps of mid-teens and light snow. I will miss him terribly while he is gone, but know he is doing what he wants to do. I know that he will come back a stronger, more determined young man. I am so proud of him.I am sure that he will do well based on the kind of young man he is and the success he had in his years as a Sea Cadet. He was the first in his Sea Cadet unit to make it to the rank of Chief Petty Officer. (Sorry, a bit of bragging by Dad).
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  • Richard it's hard at first,but starts to go faster and soon you'll be plannig for his PIR. My son left Dec. 15 and now it's getting easy with our planning for the trip next month. Just keep writing him letters when you can,it means a lot to them.
  • Richard ~ I bet you are proud. My son left for GL Dec 1st. We began writing him the day he left. He said in a phone call to his mom that he had 13 letters and cards for the first mail drop. He said they were great to have cause those first two weeks were pretty tough. He stopped laptop and texting cold turkey. : ) We are in week 4 now and can smell the finish line. Maybe you can share our little saying...
    "just remember they can't eat ya" ... As bad as it may seem, they can't eat ya. That always mad him laugh. It's kinda cold here in Texas tonight. God bless you and your family!
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