How can I do this?

When did Todd turn into Mr. Melillo?!?! Today I say goodbye to my Todd as he goes off to his new adventure. He is leaving for Navy Boot Camp today, and we will not see him for 8 or 9 weeks. After that he will be heading to A School for a year, then off to his new career in the Navy. I am not sure if it is going to be harder on him, or on me. For the last 19 years, he has pissed me off at least once every day... and also made me laugh out loud, as least twice as much. I lived 26 years of my life without him... so why is it so hard to let him go?

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  • Phil....can't believe that it has been 4 years!

  • Almost 4 years ago, I was in the same place. I still miss my girl every day, that never goes away. You just sort of get used to it I guess. Reflecting back on these years, I wouldn't want anything to be different. Our young lady is doing a job that she loves, she was meant to be part of the US Navy from day 1, I didn't even realize it until the day she told us she wants to sign up. She has gotten to see numerous countries around the world, and now lives a couple blocks from the beach. She works with amazing people. When I went on a Tiger Cruise I was blown away by her generation, it restored some of my faith in the future of this country. Be sure not to miss PIR if there is any way possible, that is still probably the proudest day of my life. 

  • Well, the hard day has come and gone!  My boy...  errr....  Man is on his way.  I hope to be able to provide comfort for those parents that come after me...  just as Navy Dads did for me.

  • 2474944702?profile=original

  • Been there, Brother! My best advice to you is to write as often as you can. It is like therapy for you.....and will help him at Basic when he needs it the most. I can guarantee you, he will make you cry too in about 8 weeks!

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