My son, Brice spent 7 months in the Persian Gulf on CG 66, (Guided Missile Cruiser - USS Hue City). A "combat veteran" at age 19. Returned safely and went into (ET) C school at Great Lakes just outside of Chicago. After C school, he received orders to report to San Diego for "COMSEC" training, (which he completed) and then to report to CVN 72, USS Abraham Lincoln in Everett, Washington on September 20!! (many of us realize that CVN 72 pulled out of Everett on Monday the 6th of September). Concerned, he contacted his sponsor and was told to 'just follow orders' - " to Everett on 20 September...". Having been told that, he decided to fly to Dallas to visit his brother for a week. He'll return on the 19th (we live about 1 1/2 hours south of Everett) and report for duty on the 20th. My concern is..........his ship has been deployed without him. Does that make sense? I would certainly appreciate any input on HOW this makes sense (if it does) or what to do (if it doesn't).Thanx!!- Steve - a very proud dad! (2 sons served honorably in the US Army and Brice now active duty US Navy!!)
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  • Great news for you - the USS Abe Lincoln has a great facebook page with regular updates, photos and videos.

    It is common practice to fly a sailor out to join their ship. It usually happens when they are going into a port and with the size of that crew, he probably won't be the only one going. In the meantime, they will put him in temporary quarters until the ship gives them the green light. Good luck to him at his new command.
  • Dany... I thoroughly understand the importance of OPSEC - my son's well-being (and the well-being of his shipmates) depends on it. I've read the OPSEC link and I've lived it - I was fortunate enough to participate in a "tiger cruise" aboard CG-66 from Port Canaveral to Naval Station Mayport in Jacksonville when it returned from the Persian Gulf. Very stringent security requirements by a number of agencies before being allowed to join the ship.
    THAT SAID...I refuse to believe that my comments revealed anything that was not thoroughly covered on TV, radio, the newspapers and the web. Our enemies are not stupid either. I am certain that they do a lot more research than I do - and have more access to "stuff" that you and I don't. Also, I know for a fact that my comments "...the ship left port on Monday..." were made AFTER the fact because I didn't know about it until AFTER it happened - and I couldn't have made any comments about their destination because I STILL don't know their destination! (and certainly wouldn't comment on that even if I DID know)
  • Steve, a quick word about "OPSEC" or Operational Security. We're very proud of our soldiers and sailors. But, we try to never put them at risk by talking in the forums about the details of when a ship leaves port, where it's headed to, etc. This is refered to by the military as Operational Security or OPSEC. We practice OPSEC because we never know who is reading these boards. There is an OPSEC link somewhere on this site, I would encourage you to read it.

    This is a great site and I know someone will answer your original question. As a retired military officer I'd say the advice of the sponsor was right on target. He'll never be wrong if he follows his orders, no matter how nonsensical they may seem at the moment. They will get things sorted out when he gets to Everett.
  • My son finished his C-schoo; in November last year and had orders to join his ship the friday before thanksgiving. His ship deployed in August so the navy flew him to catch up with his ship. Not a problem at all they will get him to his ship.
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