My son Cody started boot camp, 8 May 2012. We are waiting on his first letter home so we can start writing to him. I'm sure he is finding boot very interesting. I'm sure the training has changed since I went through (May/Jun/Jul 1982).... yet I'm sure much of the training is still somewhat the same...We wish him the very best! We are extremely proud of him. After boot camp he will attend Dive-Prep and then go down to Panama City Beach Fl for dive school and after to Eglin AFB for EOD school. HOOYAH Cody!!! Jeff, Navy Dad, Retired Chief Petty Officer!!

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  • Rick, Ross,  Thank you for your comments! I will be there on 29 Jun.

    Cody is in Ship 04 Div 814...Should start getting letters from him soon. We got the box and form letter same days.

  • Jeff,


    By your comments, our sons are probably in the same division at GL. My son also left 8 May. I recieved his box that friday and his form letter the following Monday. Hooyah 814 and see you at PIR 29 June.

  • HOOYAH Cody and good luck, Thanks for the comment Chief,  hopefully we will see you at PIR,

    Ross MacDonald

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