
Ok everyone, I was concerned that I did not get a call from my son about his graduation. But i just got home from my vacation and we had a bunch of letters in the mail from him. In one of the letters he said that he will be stationed in Norfolk Virginia and his ship is the USS T. Roosevelt, an aircraft carrier.So i guess that means he passed. Im new at this but i would think being on a carrier is probably pretty cool. Although he seems happy about the carrier but i think he is disappointed about being in Virginia. He wanted to go to California. Its good for us because we live in New York. Can anyone out there shed some light on this carrier thing. lol

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  •  I was a machinist Mate on the USS Enterprise CVN-65. It is a big ship and really easy to get lost on board when you first get aboard. When at sea it operates at a very high tempo. Planes launch and recover all the time. When deployed abroad he should get to see places he never dreamed he would ever get a chance to see.

  • the work on a carrier is generally very long hours in a very dangerous environment.  You can watch the PBS production CARRIER which is on 3-DVDs and I'm sure on some of the download sites to see a glimpse of life on a carrier....it's a little dated....but gives you an idea of carrier life

  • the Roosevelt is coming out of RCOH (reactor complex overhaul) and will be returning to the fleet shortly. Still not sure what you want to know about a carrier....it's almost 1100 feet long, weighs 97,000 tons, has a crew of about 5000 (with air crew), has it's own airport,  and is like a small town.  You eat, sleep, and work there....what else is there really to say

  • Oh, and by the way Jim, Thanks for setting me straight on the carrier thing.LOL. 

  • Im not happy about it, but he went in without a rate. I think his recruiter sold him a bill of goods. He did it on his own and just wanted to get in.  He wants to try and strike to be an MA. I just read somewhere that the USS T.Roosevelt is in dry dock getting renovated. Is that true? Is there a website to go to to get a feel of life on a carrier.

  • what is it you want to know about?

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