Letters and a phone call.

I'm a little behind on the blog. I worked a lot of hours last week, and then Joy and I went on a weekend mission trip to Indiana. So here's the latest news on Karen:We received two letters from Karen last week, and today she got to call home for about 20 minutes. She was able to talk to Liz on her cell phone, but I was driving home from Braidwood and was in a cell phone dead spot. She said she's doing great in her physical fitness and gets to carry a flag in the front of the group as they march. She said she'll get to carry it during her PIR also, which should make her a lot easier to pick out amongst all the other sailors. She said she's only gotten singled out for a yelling once - for having a piece of pineapple on her fork! She tried to explain the "why" of that to Liz today on the phone, but I'm still not sure I understand it. In any case, she seems to be adapting well to her BC environment and is liking it more every day. She said she's just REALLY busy, hustling all day long from morning until bed time. She may only get one more lengthy call, so I've got to keep that cell phone close by!She said she loves getting mail, so write often. If you don't already have it, here's her address.SR EVETT, KAREN, ASHIP 13, DIVISION 267RECRUIT TRAINING COMMAND3420 SAILOR DRIVEGREAT LAKES, IL 60088-3520(The "SR" stands for "Sailor Recruit", because she's not really a Sailor until she passes her Battle Stations test in her 7th or 8th week of BC. It's the BIG deal of BC, because that's when they really become official Navy sailors.)She can receive photos with your letters, too, as long as they fit into a regular envelope. One of the other Navy dads here suggested not writing silly stuff on the envelopes, though, since their leaders get to see the envelopes and it's better not to potentially embarrass them.
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