Bootcamp (3)

14 Days and Counting...

I’m happy to have received yet another letter from my son. As we all know with boot camp schedules, there’s no telling when you’ll get a letter or a phone call from your SR.

He is doing well and continues to focus and work hard to remain in the top ten percent. At this stage the “welcome to boot camp” culture shock is pretty much over. He’s passed the PFAs required to-date and told me that they were awarded the Athletic Flag. Though I really have no idea what this means, I do know getting an award for something good is always a great thing…


Bravo Zulu Div 002 I’m so proud of you all. Keep up the good work Hoo-Yah!
See you soon my son…


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Ask a Sailor

Hi everyone. My son and his fellow sailors have started a group (Ask a Sailor). They thought this might be helpful for parents to ask actual sailors about their experience's in bootcamp, A school, and things to come. They will check in with the group once a day to read the questions and find the answers to what us parents would like to ask. This could be one of the most helpful tools on this site. A big thank you to the Sailors who are willing to help out us dear old parents. Also I would love not only you to use this group, but maybe have your son or daughter join in with the other Sailors to help answer our questions. HOOYA!
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