Letter (1)

First Letter from Boot Camp…

Today I received a letter from my son. It surely made my day! He misses all of us at home and most especially the Bay Area food and the home cooked meals…


He talked a little bit about his experiences and the challenges of RTC. It’s hard work; little free time on Sunday’s and will put one’s mind, body and soul to the test of self discovery – what you’re truly made of.


Though he hasn’t received any of our letters yet, I wanted to thank all of you at NavyDads.Com for the suggestions about writing a letter to your SR daily or as much as possible. He says letters from home really mean a lot to him!  


Despite the grueling training and being away from home, he’s in good spirits! He hasn’t lost his sense of humor. It’s so good to know that he’s hanging tough in there… Hooyah!

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