WOODBURY, Tenn. - A military mom said she would do anything to answer her son's phone call from overseas, no matter what the cost.

Some seven months ago, Lance Corporal Mark Rhyne left the little town of Woodbury, for the remote deserts of Afghanistan.

"I told my son the day he deployed as he was about to get on that bus, 'I will stand in your steed while you are gone, I will stand,'" his mother Teresa Danford said.

On Monday, while working inside the Crane Interiors factory, Teresa Danford said she kept her word.

Mark called from Afghanistan, using a Satellite phone. It was a rare opportunity he only gets maybe once a month.

"You don't want to miss a word because truthfully that might be the last time you hear from them," Danford said.

Danford knew about Crane's no cell phone policy but answered anyway.

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