missing my son

my son just started a school  i am un sure of the whole thing . i know hes doin a good thing,justnot sure its the right thing. thow i am so very proud of him.

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  • my son left for basic on may 17th we have yet to hear from him,but i know he is in good hands,i hope you hear from your son soon,as i hope to hear from mine

  • You should be very proud of what your son is doing. His service to our country will fill his heart with pride and joy. My son is in his 3rd week now and I'm sure he is going to do incredible things in his career as will yours. The hardest part of this whole thing is waiting to hear from them. Time flies by so fast. My 20+ years went by so fast!!! You'll be alright, hang in there!


  • Absolutely you can be proud of the committment your son made.  Mine son started a couple years ago and this first part was the most difficult.  Make sure you and everyone in the family write him every day.  They will start allowing them to have mail and this is the only contact he will have during this part.  My son said all the mail he received made him feel connected even in separation.  This time will pass quickly and then you can see the transformation this part will have on your son during graduation (PIR)

  • Hang in there it gets better!
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