Morgan passed FMTB

Morgan did it! He went through two "hell weeks". I got a text from him today saying he passed the Casualty Assessment Test (CAT) and completed the 8 mile hike. These were two huge tests for all of them. He is so tired of going through school, but is realizing that there is finally light at the end of the tunnel.He will not know where his final duty station is until after he graduates, but it will be there in Camp Pendleton. We do know he's assigned to the 1st Marine Div. Graduation will be next Wednesday, the 20th. I am so looking forward to it as I will finally be able to give him a great big hug and we are headed to a place we've never been to. Okay, we have been to San Diego but Morgan was 5 or 6 yrs old. We've never been to Oceanside.I can't wait til I hear a Marine call him 'doc'. Now, when he's deployed, I'm hoping he has the biggest, badest, Marine keeping an eye on him. Morgan is bummed that he's pretty much a Marine. The only Navy on him is the cammie that says US Navy/US Marine and a small red cross. He's not even sure when he'll get to wear a Navy uniform again. Poor guy. ;-(Just thought I'd share my joy and pride with you.
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  • Thanks Paul. I will enjoy the trip. I keep telling Martin we're driving straight through. For some reason, he thinks I'm crazy.

    E.G. ~ Thanks. Glad you knew he'd make it without any problems! I know I have a "Doc"...but a "Devil Doc"? I'm looking forward to hearing about the pig. I know these guys are ready to get into the blood, gut, and gore! All I have to say is....ewww.

    To both of you, Morgan says "That's good to know." Thank you again, from the bottom of my heart for your support. It means a lot.
  • Way to go Morgan! Enjoy that trip to SD and congrats!
  • Cindy,
    Congrats to Morgan! We knew he would make it with no problem. You now have a "Devil Doc" in the family. Semper Fi! I hope y'all have a great trip at graduation. Tell Morgan I said congratulations.
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