MY son

My son andrew is at boot camp. I have received to disturbing calls from him, I am concerned for his condition. Andrew is no quitter and is a hard working person, i think he has made a bad decison joining the navy. He wants out, what can i do.

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  • how is your son doing ? and just fyi for you when recruits want to quit they dont send them home right away they send them to ship 5 to be processed out which takes weeks usually his class would have graduated before he got out probably done on purpose ugh!
  • This is all part of every basic training, they break them down so they can build them to be our future defenders of freedom.

  • and dad for the record they all go through "this sux" stage lol
  • tell him when he calms down to really think it through and ask him what else was he planning on if he was not in the navy you may need to layout the pros and cons for him and the victory that follows after grad you could even tell him to pretend to be undercover at bootcamp and to write about it daily to share his experience and before you know it time will fly and he will forget about quitting we just gotta trick our mind a bit
  • My son had a hard time also, but he told me my encouraging letters helped him get through the hard times. I wrote him everyday so he would know we were with him at every step. They really broke them down the first few weeks but as weeks passed his letters got better. By the end he was just happy he was ready to graduate and said battle stations was a breeze. So it was hard as it is for many recruits but the day you get the phone call that he's passed battle stations and is now a Sailor will be one of the proudest days of your life as it was for me. After boot it was our letters that got him through every hard day and night. So my suggestion is to write, write, and write him often and encourage him as much as you can. 

  • The first 3-4 weeks are the toughest as the RDCs break everyone down to allow them to rebuild them up.  Then things change pretty dramatically at RTC.  You can be positive and try to give him strength in your communications. He raised his right hand and took an oath....

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