My story

Well, here’s my story:

Bobby has always been interested in the military, as most boys are. I found it easier to connect with Bobby while he was growing up. His twin sister was all girl. I did my best, yet, It was sure easier to throw ball than play Barbie’s. My now ex-wife did most of the discipline while they were growing up while I found it easier to be their friends and have fun with them. About six years ago we got divorced and she moved close and we split the kids a week here, then a week there. That worked for a couple of years then they moved in with me full time. Back in May of 2010, his junior year at High School, Bobby said he wanted to Join the Military. Knowing nothing about the process we thought it best to visit each of the branches recruiters. Well, the first place we were able to see was the Air Force. So Bobby and I talked to him for awhile. Bobby was excited and wanted to join up right then. They had a special deal for Juniors and I agreed to let him join. Being a minor we needed moms signature as well. Bobby then took the ASVAB test and the physical at the San Diego MEPS. Several weeks later Bobby figured out that the jobs that the Air Force had were not what he wanted to do. His recruiter suggested that he check with the Navy. So, after several months of switching over and waiting for the right job to open up in the Navy he went back down to MEPS and got his HM Hospital Corpsman. The last three months he has been going to the recruiters once a week to do Navy stuff. He goes to Boot in September 21, 2011. I’m so glad that Bobby got a job that he wanted. Bobby has always been a bit lazy. He lacks a passion to succeed. I have to kick him in the butt for him to do things. I’m hoping that the Navy will bring out the best in him.

His sister, Andrea received a call about six weeks ago from an Army recruiter. He was able to convince her that the Army would train her in what she wants to do. So, getting her signed up before she finished High School was a challenge. She will go off to Basic in January 2012.

Now I feel the need to find out more about the world that they are getting into. Which brought me to this site.

Well, there ya have it. My story.


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