Never Forget 9-11

As a former Marine and now a Captain in the fire department it sorrows my heart to see how quickly the U.S. has forgotten 9-11. Not just from the firefighter stand point but also the civilians who lost there lives and let us not forget the brave souls on board flight 93 who gave there lives to stop what surely would have been a devestating attack on the White House. As I go out and run these calls our walk around town or even have a discussion with my fellow Honor Guard members I see not just the publice forgetting but our local and state governments forgetting. When we asked if they were setting up a ceremony this year it was as if it had become an inconvenience. They (government) are so quick to forget us but when we save someone and the public becomes involved it seems as if they take the credit. Well enough ranting....I just wanted to say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for the little rememberance on the home page. God Bless you all!!

C. D. Belcher, Captain

Winston-Salem Fire Department

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  • Chris, we live in Dallas. We have a close friend who lost her father on 9/11. He was on one of the flights that struck one of the towers. It is sad that it takes a personal connection for something so tragic not to fade from our memories. This day is painful for us no matter how many years away from 2001 we move. Thank you, not only for the service to our country, but to your selfless service to your community. God Bless you and your fire men and women.
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