New SR and PIR?

Posted in status last night and didnt give me the characters for everything I needed.  Still new and figuring the site out.  Anyway, son leaves from Nashville, TN on 04Feb2013.  Anyone else leaving this week?  From what I read we can count 8 Fridays from then for PIR.  Is this fairly accurate?  Have I mentioned how proud we are?  Oldest graduates college in May and youngest from Navy boot and A School.  Great year.

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  • Once you receive info regarding your SR's PIR, I suggest you search Facebook for a page about your SR's division or PIR date. Our son will PIR this week and there have been 3 different pages on Facebook for us to connect with other parents and spouses. This has been our greatest source of info and support. If you don't find one, start one. People have shared letters and phone calls from all the SRs which multiplies the amount of info you will receive.
  • And you are so

  • Also, just an FYI, you can get free phone cards from

  • Thanks Ron.

  • It is usually around 9 fridays...they usually have a week of P-days...but you never could be anywhere from 8 fridays to 10 is random and you never know...when you get the form letter, you will know for sure...:)

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