Next Day Air mail

Hello all.

Does any one know if its ok to bunch the first group of mail for a recuit and send them via Next Day Air ????

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  • that is exactly right....they train as they will serve!

  • Hello Paul.

    Thanks for the info. Seems I'm once again too far behind the times for todays Navy.

    When I was in boot there was only one recuit petty officer. Now a whole chain of command just for recuit petty officers.

    A big WOW from me. But I'm impressed with how they do it now. It actually makes more sense for training of command structure for when they are out of boot.

  • it takes a while to get things organized and the recruit mail officer trained and functioning:

    Recruit Mail Petty Officers (MPO) (RP03)

    The MPO is responsible for pick-up and delivery of all mail. Designation as MPO includes special qualifications at mail orderly orientation and custody of a mail orderly card.

    You can see the entire command structure at:

  • Hello Jim.

    Have another mail question for you. And since it might be helpful for other new Dads, I will post it here.

    I have read somewhere, no Doubt here on NavyDads, to not necessarily trust a recuiters recuit address. Because recuits and or divisions have been known to be moed in the past.

    Recuiter called today with my sons address. So here is my question.

    How soon in training can a recuit receive mail? Read that mail?

    I use my computer to write my letters, and acan lways re print and re send if I discover he didn't get earlier mail.

    Thanks Craig

  • Hi Jim.

    Thanks. It did put a small smile on my face when you said it would confuse them.

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