no news

Son started bootcamp on June 1st. He called when he got there and we got the letter when Graduation was with the 2 little lines from him. We have sent several letter and cards. We have not heard anything back no phone call no letters nothing. I just wondered if this is normal.


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  • At this juncture no news is good news(your son is fine and holding his own I'm sure) My son is in his 12th year of service but I remember like it was yesterday dropping him off in Springfield Mass and I'll never forget the apprehension I felt in those following 6 weeks,I grew as a parent and a person in that time frame and the pride that accompanies your sons graduation from boot camp will replace all your fears. .God luck to you and your son,God bless America.
  • GREAT NEWS STEVE!!! That letter will get your through for at least a good week! Ohh, letters and cards good!! Cards with sound, not so much. Happy Friday!
  •'s a powerful thing!
  • Thanks Staci
    We got a letter yesterday if was a big releif.
  • Steve, Yes. Yes...and Yes....Completely normal!!! Keep sending the letters and cards, I guarantee he appreciates them, and I bet he'll pass them around to the guys that aren't getting mail. Sad, but sometimes true. Just go with the no news is good news theme, as hard as that is. They are definitely busy, and at the time our sailor was in boot camp, let's just say he was iron and ironing board challenge...He spent the free time he had, mastering that task. Yes, they will be able to write letters...but very difficult with their time constraints....and if they get assigned a "job" even less free time. Hang in there.
  • Keep the faith Steve! We've all been down this road and want to be kept informed about what is going on with our future sailors....the first half of bootcamp is gnerally aimed at breaking the dependence on home and thinking in terms of home and mom and dad talking care of everything. It is a tough journey for some and you'll discover at PIR that the Navy actually has figured out a system that does that and turns those kids into sailors!!! It's all worth it when you see your son or daughter march into the drill hall on base!!
  • Thanks Paul that gives me a little relief.

  • the first few days are processing days and they are very busy.....letter writing is generally confined to a very small block of time in Sundays should have a letter or call this week....
  • Tuesday will be 4 weeks. Can they not write letters in the first 4 weeks?
  • not unusual...usually you won't hear anything until end of second week-third week should be getting a call....early part of bootcamp- the old saying about no news being good news holds!!!
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