No Phone Call

I was kinda wishing for a phone call today not so much for me but for my wife, being Mother's Day, that would have been the icing on the cake for her, but it never happened. Our son on the last pone call told us that they may not be able to call on Sunday, but we always have that hope that they would be able to. We're looking forward to the next letter or phone call and we are excited for the up coming trip for Graduation. Till next time, A Proud Navy Dad, Marco V.
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  • I know it was hard for your wife not to hear from her son on Mother's Day. I was hoping to get a call for Memorial Day, but my sailor said they usually make the calls on Saturday, so that did not happen. I started reading about the phone calls and got a better idea of the many many many recruits that are using the limited phones and with thousands, it is hard to even think about scheduling with all the resposibilities they have lined up to be the best sailors they can be before PIR. I am hoping not hearing from her does not mean she did not pass a test, or anyone in her group is not pulling their weight causing the group to not get calls. Whatever the case, it is a BIG learning experience for me to culminate a ton of patience for the future long periods without contact. When she went in, I was prepared not to hear all that much from her, but this week, missing the sound of her voice has peaked for me!! Good luck to all, and thank you so much for the service!!

  • Marco did you get a call from your son yet? I haven't, sence the Wednesday before mothers day. We plan to go to his graduation as well on June 14th. I hope we can get a call from our sons soon. Ronnie Tyner

  • My wife was hoping for a call to, but we didn't get one. We did get a letter yesterday, and I hope my son can call this weekend. 

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