Our Second Call

What a wonderful surprise this Sunday, just when I thought our son was not calling, the phone rang, and it was our son. What a great feeling to hear his voice again. He sounded very up beat, we even notice a change in is voice. It's true what they say he won't be the same young man after Graduation. He told us he had passed all of the test so far but he needed to pick up the pace in the mile and half run in under 13 minutes. He's always been into sports so I know he can do it, I have confedence in him! I asked him if he's lost some weight and he replied he didn't know but chow was pretty good, LOL. Our son was even able to talk to his Grand Parents, (they live next door). So we talked for a bit longer and that we Loved him and to keep doing a good job. He did say to keep the cards and letters coming.Well till the next up date, this is a very happy Navy Dad.
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