our son left 1-24-12

Alexander GonzalesShip 12 division 093Alex left with a smile on his face for his country. I am so very proud of him for this! I knew it would hit our family but never did I think it would be this hard. We missed the first phone call he called and left a voicemail on my old cell phone number his little brother carries :( he sounded scared on his voicemail. I know that's what is making it so hard on me! He knew what numbers to call. I so look forward to giving the boy that left a hug whom soon will now be a man. We wrote him letters today and mailed them as soon as they called with the address. Thanks. So much to his recruiter!! When will his next call be? I thank the man up stairs for looking after my young man whom will always be dad's boy still.Rodney
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  • Sounds good. Or son is Tevin. He is the "Guide On " for the division. We too are enjoying how much he is growing over these past few weeks.

  • It fills so good getting letters from our son! We received another letter yesterday. We're so proud of him! Life's little changes are amazing :) I am so looking foward to his graduation.

    GO NAVY!

  • Our son Tevin also left on 1/24/12. He is Div 03 / 096. He will grad on 3/16/12. We live in PC fl so you know Tevin is going thru shock treatment with the cold. We received a letter from him last Thursday since mail only goes out on Sundays we will have to wait until Thurs this week to hear from him again. Well just think how proud we will be when we see our sons next month.

  • We received 2 letters from him yesterday :) it didn't sound like he had received any of ours yet. It did our heart good knowing that everything is going good!


    GO NAVY!
  • Rodney,

    My son also left on 1/24/12, and is on Ship 12 but Div 094.  We got the "I'm here" phone call about midnight that evening, his form letter on the 30th, and the boy-in-a-box on the 31st.  I've written and mailed 7 letters so far, and the family has sent many more, but nothing back yet.  From what I've read on this wonderful site, there can be a delay for the recruits getting our mail.  Tracking the timeline of others who have posted, he may not receive any letters from us until next week, and we may not get anything from him until then either.

    As a veteran, and the descendant of a line of veterans, I think I'm holding up better than my wife, and understand the lack of contact.  For her family, he is the first service member.  Not hearing back is the hardest part, but it'll be worth it when we fly to Great Lakes next month for his PIR.

    So hang in there.  Sounds like the lack of letters and calls is pretty common.


  • Rodney....Welcome to the fold! It's amazing how hard it can be to watch our sons and daughters begin their journey into their Naval careers. As a parent, your emotions will run the gambit over the next 8 weeks from proud to worried and back again.....welcome to the "rollercoaster" ! Just know that we have all been through it and are here to help you with any questions that you may have. What I can promise you is, that on the day of your Son's PIR, you will feel a sense of pride that you have never experienced before in your life. When you see him in his dress blues standing proudly before you, you will know that all of those days and nights of worry and tears are all worth it. Keep those letters coming...they really do help your SR! Best of luck to your Son and family in the weeks ahead.....

  • Rodney-

    All the SR's are a little home sick. He is in good hands and will be standing proud of himself soon. Send positive letters during boot camp, as they all need a laugh. Good Luck !!

  • Jim
    Thank you so much! I have 2 letters headed his way plus the rest of my family has written him as well. Talk about proud and scared in the same breathe :) do you know which days they can call on? I'm hoping its the weekend when we're all together.


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