Pensacola A-School

Dorm life at Pensacola,
Are there specific items needed for a-school other than the normal items. Things like irons, ironing boards, computers, cell phones, what is needed and what is allowed. My son will be arriving 25/03/10 Would like to make the transition smooth. If anyone can give some incite it would be appreciated.
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  • Hey,
    I was there from July 12- September 29, 2008 for AE 'A' school. It was a fun base all in all. The thing that was there that I miss the most is a restaurant called Flounders. I loved that place. Plus the Blue Angels practice over head at that base. That is really cool too.
  • Thank you,
    I guess should let him grow up. I'm sure he has an idea on what to look for there, I just want him to be focused on school and to have everything for him. I totally forgot about the NEX on base.
    How long has it been since you been were there?
    Thanks again Andrew
  • Hey,
    The rooms will are well done there in Pensacola. He will not need any 'room items'. Sometimes the irons are crappy but it would cheaper for him to buy it at the NEX there on base. Other personal items like computer, camera, beach attire, iPod, phone, would be nice to have. You need to and have to wait until he is there and you get an address. Sorry that is a duh, I know, but I figured I would say it anyway. I would not worry about little things either. Toothpaste, pencils, paper and other such things can be bought on base at the NEX that is just a short walk away.
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