I guess I am not stating anything new for the Senior Navy Dads but PIR last Friday was simply an inspirational experience. When my son's division paraded into the hall past us I did not even recognize him as he walked 20 yds in front of me. What a change 8 weeks of bootcamp can make in a young man. My wife and other sons were saying "there he is" while I am saying "where? where?". I finally saw him and was struck by the thought that I did not recognize my own son. Crazy! We are very proud of him and I thought the entire event was moving. I loved it when they all sang Anchors Aweigh. We got to spend 8 hours with him. His division got two extra hours of leave till 9:00pm. I recommend the Lone Star Steak House next to Gurnee Mills Mall. Excellent steaks and service. He wanted a steak so of course we got him one. Three different people, (strangers), came up to him and congratulated him and thanked him for his service. This had an impact on him that people are watching him and he should never do anything to disgrace the uniform. Now he is in "A" school in Meridian, MS. It is nice to be able to speak to him every day now. Our initial Navy experience at Great Lakes will never be forgotten. Thanks to all of you who made it an easy trip with all the advice blogs posted here. We stayed at The Springhill Suites in Waukegan. Very nice and only 7-8 minutes from RTC. I guess I need to join a Logistics Specialist group now. So long for now.
Rod Keefe
Hi Rod, Our sons were in the same division, and DITTO to everything you have said!!! I will add, that when Aaron left from MEPS he had that concerned, "what am I getting myself into" look. But what a difference 2 months has made as you can see by the smile on his face and the sense of acomplishment that all our kids have achieved!!! He too was acknowledged by several strangers and most notable the gentlemen playing the saxaphone at the corner of the Sears tower. He switched in the middle of songs to play Anchors Away as soon as he got a glimpse of my sonin his Uniform! And yes he got a nice tip from the sailors dad!!! It turns out our 2 sons our FB buds now also , although they are in different locations for A school.Anyways had to respond to your nice blog!!!
Last weekend was amazing indeed. I think i'll be on cloud nine for weeks.