PIR happens!!!

Well we finally got to see our son "Graduate" from Boot Camp on Friday 02/13/09. He was in Group 102, USS Triton. It was a great ceremony, seems to be very long when you are waiting to see your son for the first time in 9 weeks, but the wait is so worth it. A reminder to those who will be attend their childs graduation, be there very early, we arrived at 0715 and the good seats were already taken! The weather was of course cold and it snowed 4 inches Friday night, no problem for us South Alabama folks, we enjoyed it all. Just to let you know your recruit only has a certain amount of liberty time, they must be back in the barracks by 2000 hours, and they may occassionally have a "watch" or other duty that may take a little of their time. We enjoyed every minute with Jeremy and did not try to see the whole area in the brief time we had with him. He called us yesterday to inform us he is in Groton, Cn for Sub School. The good part of this is he can now have his cell phone and we can better stay in touch!!!
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  • jerry congrats my son is pir on march 20 th can't wait
  • Congrats Jerry! I'm glad y'all had a great trip. Only a phone call away now, makes a huge difference. Tell Jeremy that I said congratulations and good luck in Sub School.
  • HooYah Jerry--- glad PIR was everything you thought it would be!! Thanks for sharing! Paul
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