PIR Question

I was wondering if most people take binoculars to PIR to be able to spot their sailor in the sea of lookalikes. Is it the norm or will I look like a geek? Just a thought I had today. 

We still have a month to go before PIR on 11-9. 

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  • Bring them.

  • I look at it like this:  a BLOG is a way to tell a story or relate something about something (such as my blog about my Tiger Cruise in '09).  A FORUM or DISCUSSION is about a specific topic....such as a PIR on a specific day or about parking at RTC for a PIR.  A GROUP is for a number of people that have some sort of functional relationship such as interest in PIR or for sailors stationed on a specific ship such as the USS Abraham Lincoln.   That is just how I look at it......

  • think I made the mental shift and looked at the forest rather than the trees.....

  • Good point Paul.  I know that I was so excited to see my Sailor when I first saw him.  But there is sooo much going on, you don't want to miss out on the ceremony!

  • personal comment....for my first PIR I took all kinds of photos and concentrated on that.....when I got home I realized I was trying to live through the camera....for the second PIR I took my share, but took far more interest to actually watch what was going on and living through the present at the event rather than on the computer when I got home.....has nothing to do with the bino question...just thought I'd share my experience!

  • When we were there, there were many that brought them.  I used the telephoto on my camcorder to see better.  Bring them!

  • I didn't see anyone with it and with all the excitement it slipped my mind to pack one. And there is nothing wrong with being a geek :)

  • don't remember seeing hardly any binos at either of my PIR's...........I was able to see my son and daughter instantly when they marched in

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