PIR traffic?

What is the traffic going to be like when we are trying to get on to the base?  We have a rental car and I am planning on getting there as close to 6:30 as we can.  We are staying north of GL about 10 miles. Are some routs better than others? 

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  • Paul   Yes I did, thank you, that looks like a much better route.  I assume there is a traffic light at the intersection at Buckley. I will look it up on Google Earth.  We are all excited for the big event.  This site has been a life saver thanks for all you guys do.


  • Did you find that link Walker?  I was on my phone and couldn't easily copy the link- http://www.navydads.com/forum/topics/by-pass-buckley-road-traffic-f...

  • Pir traffic is horrendous- in the PIR group we have a discussion about the Buckley Rd By-Pass we recommend
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