Possible GQ?

Hello Navy families! Recently I have heard statements from officers and enlisted members of our armed services what our present Administration is not doing to uphold it's sworn duty to protect the people of the United States and it's interests abroad.  I 've heard that the ASW flights that have been a cornerstone of our defense have been told to stand down and only fly their missions Monday through Friday - no night or weekend ops. Being a veteran nuke submariner, though decades ago, I am saddened that this could happen.  Along with these reports I heard that several of our Task Groups would either be 'parked' or that they would steam without some of the combatants protect the Carrier it self.  I have written to my U.S. Senators and to my U.S. Rep but haven't received an answer.  Folks, I don't want to sound a false GQ, but a game is being played against our freedom and liberty.  Let not the foolish determine whether our freedoms and liberties are put in jeopardy.  Please investigate this yourself and if you find the same answers, I encourage you to please write to your Senators and your Rep. If we do nothing and this business I speak of is true, we then by our inaction deserve to be taken by those who will indeed change our lives forever.

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  • We all have a vested interest in what happens within our military, particularly our Sailors. While we pray for our sons and daughters who are now serving, as parents, we owe it to them to be vigilant and vocal when necessary, to ensure they are properly cared for and supported.

  • Same attitude as just before 911!


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