Proud uncle

my nephew did not qualify for gunners mate, they offered him seaman title, does anyone know what he will be doing in this position when he graduates from boot camp?
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  • Comment by Chuck just now
    Delete Comment Here is a web site that explains rate and rating.
    Rate is rank or pay grade. Rating is job description or MOS.

    Look at pay grades E-1 - E-3 for an explaination of how to choose or strike for a rating.
  • Oh, I almost forgot. He will also be given the opportunity to retake the ASVAB to see what he qualifies for.
  • Thank you mark!
  • He will go to apprenticeship training and then to the fleet. On the ship, he will be assigned to the deck division as an Undesignated Striker. He will be doing a lot of general ship maintenance. He will get very good with a paint brush. Once he has about 6 months or so under his belt and a good review, he will be given the opportunity to "strike" for a rate. That is basically OJT (on the job training) and if he does well, will be sent to A School. He will also have the opportunity to become a Boatswains Mate. Everyone loves the BMs.
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