
My family and I are getting ready to make the trip to Great lakes on 08/23/2012. His graduation is on 08/24/2012. After graduation, my son will be staying on at Great Lakes for additional training. He had told me in an earlier phone call that he stays in Great lakes for another 3-4 weeks then comes home for 15 days. Does anyone know what we should bring him. Will he be allowed to have his cell phone, I pad and other electronic devices. Also should we bring him clothes. I don't want to lug all that crap if i don't have to. 

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  • Chuck ,thanks for the response.Where can i find what you wrote about your experience

  • We took our son's phone with us but couldn't give it to him until after he checked in at his A-School (Great Lakes) and got his liberty. He said the internet reception is really unreliable and didn't want his computer. We got to see him each day but had to return him each night before 10:00pm. Don't take civilian clothes with you because like it has been stated they can't wear civi's until they phase up. We did take our son to the NEX and bought him snacks, hangars for his uniforms (they have more room to spread out in their dorm) and toiletries. I wrote down our whole experience on this site if you're interested in knowing what to expect, where to stay, etc.

  • I'm assuming it is the Naval base across the street....he'll have about 4 hours of check-in time and he'll get liberty.  When you see him he can get his phone....the good news is that I think he'll get most of the weekend as liberty but have to be back on base each night.

  • Paul, after he graduates he stays but the way it was explained to me was that it wasnt RTC,its another part if the base. we only got 2 phone calls so far. Im assuming he will be calling with some info before we leave for the graduation.
  • you'd have to get clarification from him, but in general they cannot wear civilian clothing until they phase up....generally about 2 weeks in.  The phone he can have so long he does not return to RTC.

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