
When my son finishes boot camp he heads to San Antonio for MA training. What day after graduation will he leave? Sat. or Sunday ? 

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  • Yes, Chicago.  Was just wondering, if they leave the base in the early am, how did you meet up with your sailor?  We were told no cell phones, so did you just have them wait for you at the gate?

    And thanks so much or this info!!!!  Navigating through here I have found out way more than I ever would have been able to on my own.  :)

  • Deb- are you talking about leaving Chicago?  If so be with them when they check in at ticketing and you'll get a WILL have to pass security.

  • If the sailor arrives in the early am did you just meet them at the gate to get the pass?

  • Great, Thank You Tom.
  • Mike....They usually leave Saturday. The new sailors head to the airport very early in the A.M. You can meet them and spend a good part of the day with them until they depart. The airline allows parents through to the gates. You just need to go to the counter with your Son to get a security pass!

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