Quick Tiger Blog

Waiting here for the breakfast buffet to open and get to the USO to sign in and get going! Met with Richard at the Atlanta airport yesterday and then met up with Fred and his father-in-law Tom at the hotel over some beverage. The shirts have attracted some attention and think we have some more potential members- haven't even been to the base yet! Great Weather-- in the 70's when we landed yesterday and there are bunch of dads as giddy as kids on Christmas eve......will try to spend some more time as I can with details, but have to get ready to go and get this gig started!

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  • Paul,  Thanks so VERY much for sharing your TC with all of us.  Got two Gransons on the tail end of their deployment, on the Stennis. Our son did a TC last year (on the Stennis) with the youngest and the stories he told were great.  You put a lot of hard work and color into your blog...thanks! Bill.

  • I guess I should have said proud da of an Airdale currently serving on shore!
  • I won't have this opportunity being the proud dad of an Airdale!
  • Paul, what an exciting adventure you have ahead of you. We would all be so lucky to have the same opportunity as you someday. Have a great time!!!
  • Paul, hope y'all have a great time
  • This sounds like my kind of trip. Very interested to hear all of your adventures.
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