Ship: 2/ Div. 903 Dad

My wife and I received the form letter on 10/16/10, finally something. We were encouraged by the note he left on the four whole lines they are given, more to come soon, I'm sure. This site has been an incredible tool. THANK YOU for creating this for all us DAD'S out here. Question on the 900 divisions, what would they be doing if they are not musically gifted?
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  • My son is in basic now - Ship 3 - div 032 - Graduates December 22 - anyone else have a relative in that division??
  • My wife got a quick phone call last night that only lasted about 4 minutes. It seems like he is doing very well. Very disappointed that I didn't get to talk to him. Looking forward to PIR! Debating on going to see him for Thanksgiving...but PIR is only 1 week after...hmmm.
  • Phone call and letter today, HAPPY DAY! SR is positive, upbeat and enjoying food. Almost to the half way point. Prayers of health and strength to all.
  • My son is also Ship 2 DIV 903. All we have received is the form letter too. Keep hoping to hear more from him. Has anybody gotten a phone call from their recruit yet ? I have heard that they may be given a phone call or two if they do well in training. Even a quick call would be good.
  • Tim,
    Thanks for the info on the 900 Divisions and the great pics, can't wait to experience PIR.
  • Jerry, Sorry for the spelling error on your name.
  • Jery,
    Nice to here from another 903 Dad. My wife and I will pass on any info we receive from Bryce and look forward to reading how Dylan and the 903 are doing on your posts. As you know, any info at this time is priceless.
  • f you guys will go look at my page I just uploaded some pics from Trevors PIR back in 08 that has some shots of what you can expect to see from the 900 div's and a good shot of the great hall where PIR is held
  • Sterlon,
    My son is also in the 903 with a PIR of 12/3. He is not musically inclined either, so I had many of the same questions. Dylan is going in as a Nuke, and we are all very excited about his opportunity. I will be sure to post any info we receive about how he got placed in a 900 div, and what kind of duties he might be performing at PIR. I am hoping that perhaps people who have a SR with a PIR of 11/24 will post lots of pictures on here so that we might catch a glimpse of our son. I look forward to sharing information with someone who is experiencing the same thing as my wife and I. Keep us posted with any information from your SR.
  • Sterlon,
    Bravo Zulu to you and your family on your son Bryce being in one of the 900 divisions. Trevor, my son, was in 942 TG back in 2008. These Divisions are the center piece of the P.I.R. that Bryce will be involved in. Not all of the sailors in the 900 divisions are musically enclined. There are what you could think of as being like a color guard group that carry guns instead of twirling flags. There are also the members of the 900 divisions that carry the flags of each state that is involved with the P.I.R.. These Divisions do all of the same work as the other divisions but they do spend more time on marching and getting everything in perfect time as they are in the middle of the great hall.
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