Ship 9 Division 077

My son went to boot camp on December 14th with a graduation date of 2-18-11. Trying to find other fathers or family memebers with the same Ship and same Division. Please contact us if anyone knows of anyone with a child or friend in the same ship and Division. We would like to try and keep in contact. Thanks, JK
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  • Juts found this posting Jack as I only joined Navy Dads in the last week. My son also left 12/14 and is ship 09, division 077. Got the call this week that he had succssfully passed Battle Stations 21. We are really looking forward to seeing him. Perhaps we will meet one another there.
  • My best friend graduates 2-18-11 she is also Ship 9 Div 75.
  • My daughter, Alexis (Ali) is on Ship 9, Division 075 and is on the same schedule as your son.  No word from her yet but have sent a few letters.  Have you heard from your son?



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