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  • Well we're back home. Here's a huge CONGRATS to all that graduated friday and all the families. I still can't put to word how proud I am of Greg. I'm sure many of you feel the same. Here are a couple pf pics.
  • Sorry everyone for dropping out for as long as I have Too many things going on to get to the computer. I have been getting letters and the occational phone call. We're leving Wednesday for GL. PIR on Friday. I sure there are many of you out there that know How I feel right now. We can't wait to see Greg. We're so proud of him. I will post pics asap. I have to leave for NC right after We get back from PIR. But anyone with Questions ask. I will get back to you. Anchors away.
  • Jamie, my son Nicholas left for RTC on 01/12/09. He arrived at GL on 01/13/09. During his processing week I was informed he is in Div 115 USS Arizona (No ship #). I received a letter after his first full week of training. Said the food was great, making lots of friends and staying focused on training. I'm sure your son is having the same experience. Best of luck to you and your son.
  • That would be great Micheal I tyalk to Greg last night. He didn't have his address yet But I do belive it will be coming soon. He said that they haven't done much because of the cold. They start training Monday. So his Expected graduation date is March 13.
  • First and foremost a big "Thanks" to NavyDads Admin...I called my son's recruiter and got his address. I am happy to say my son is about to recieve his first letters from home. Thank you very much.

    As to Greg's dad..."Hello Jamie". In my next letter to my son I will have look out for your son. Matthew is in Ship 14 div 114. It would be pretty cool if they could get to know each other. Nice to meet you.
  • I called greg's recruiter Wednesday he did't have the info yet and wasn't around thursday ( he took his chiefs test hope he passes ) If they still do things like they did 26 years ago we should be getting a card with all that info this week. Nice to meet you Michael. Greg is from upstate New York We're used to the cold but it will still be a challeng with the weather they get in Ill.
  • Michael check in the boot camp group. Their is a wealth of information it there along with helpful links. Good luck to your family's new journey.
  • Michael- you should check with his recruiter as he should have ship and divsion infor available. Note that we have links on the site (Click This) that give the offical addresses. Also...we have a Ask A Recruiter group....Sean will try to help answer any questions too. Most all of us have kids in various stages of their Navy journey so there is a wealth of info available so don't hesitate exploring and posting questions....welcome to the site and we hope you find it useful! Paul
  • Yes my son Matthew started on his new path. He is from Florida so I gather the weather is a bit shocking for him. Does anyone know when they give out their ship and division info so family can write?
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