Ship11 Div197

My son Jonathan Catchings started boot camp on 04/30/2012 and is with Ship11 Div197. He goes by his middle name Hunter, does anyone else have someone that is part of Ship11 Div197, and if so have you heard anything from them. I know its only been a week but i'm just excited for them.

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  • Your not going to hear anything for a good while.  Don't worry, the Navy is taking good care of them and sometimes No news is Good news.  I know, because my two Sons and I have all been there.  Also, like in my youngest Sons case he could not stand it and I got the call I did not want to recieve.  Harmones took over and he asked a young lady for her e-mail address.  That got him set back for a week.  No News is Good News, LoL.

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