Ship2/DIV 903

Hello Jerry and Sterlon, Our son Brandon is also on Ship2/DIV 903 and headed for nuke school after PIR 12/3. We also have not heard anything from him, just the kid box and the form letter. This is starting week 4 and Momma is getting a little anxious. If anyone hears from their recruit, please forward day and time as well as how long you got to talk.
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  • Yea the form will be in about 1 week. Seal trng. is hard. I wish him the best!
  • Got the box today. Just had his clothes and cell phone in it. I guess the form letter comes separately.
  • No nukes! :) He wants to be a seal. It's been his dream since he was ten. Thanks for the info. We'll just hunker down and wait it out...
  • Hi Charlie, sorry you did not get the "I'm Here and doing OK" call. What our son has told us is that the Ship2 is a brand new barracks and very nice. The DIV 900 recruits are going to be trained to do special things either in boot or at PIR. My son for example is managing the mail room for the whole ship. Different recruits get picked for various jobs depending how they are doing in boot as well as how they scored, I think. What my son has said, they do very well and usually get some of the highest marks of all the recruits. Your son is in good company and should do well. It was about 4 weeks to the day when momma got the call and 3 weeks for the first letter. Hang in there, we KNOW it is tough. If new news comes, I will pass it on. Welcome aboard! Oh, is your son a NUKEY?
  • My son is on Ship 2/Div 906. We haven't received anything yet; didn't even get the "hey, I'm here" call, but it's only been a week. It's like he's vanished into a black hole. It's some consolation to know that others are in the same boat (no pun intended), but it would be nice to hear something. I know how Momma feels. Does anyone know what the "performance" division is? I think he got in there because he was a sea cadet for 9 years, but I would like to know what it's all about.
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