shipping out

my son, Greg Jr., is shipping out to Recruit Training on Sept 3rd...already my emotions are running wild..He'll be going to Engineman "a" school after that.  Got to get used to being the Father of a Sailor in the United States Navy. That's all i can say right now.    God Bless America        

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  • From a Navy Vet, Strap in and hold on tight. They are in fairly good hands. He will stay busier than he probably ever been for the first 8 weeks of his enlistment. My Daughter reported 14Aug12. It was just this past Thursday when we got her first letter. Be proud and supportive of your son for this is a big leap for him. Tell him thank you for assuming the watch from the rest of us old salts.

  • Coming from a family that has served in the military, it is a big step. Just say a prayer everyday and understand that your son is a sailor now and will stand the watch for all of us. As for me been there and stood the watch and it made it much easier to cope when my daughter enlisted, now just look forward to seeing her when I can and Skype. From one dad to another be there for him and we will be there for you. Take care, said a prayer for your son and your family. A veteran (Army)

  • Will do.. Thank You Tom

  • Strap in Greg. It is as hard for the parents as it is for the recruits....but it will all work out! Use this resource as you need to...We have all been there and understand!

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