Son left for Boot Camp

New at this, so hope this is the place to post. My wife and I just got back from seeing our son Jeff leave for boot camp. It left a hollow feeling for both of us, but we are extremely proud of him. We know that everyone on this site has, or is going to, experience the same feeling. God bless all the sons and daughters who make this commitment to serve and protect our country!
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  • Bud, I too wish to welcome you to NAVY DADS. You will find that the information you gain here will make your sons transition into a sailor much easier. Let me tell you the hardest part is the first 9 weeks. An occasional call later on in boot camp, one letter a week but it will be well worth it in the end. Once Jeff has his PIR things will be easier. Once my son started INDOC after basic we got him a cell phone. Now we talk and text frequently. Please thank Jeff for me for his decision to join the NAVY and serve our country. GARY F.
  • Bud, yes this is the place. I've been in your shoes. It is a very sad day seeing your son leave home and heading off into the real world and not only that but into the military. Us parents are here for you and your wife, so let us know if theirs anyway we can help. The first four weeks will seem like forever but the last four fly by and you'll soon be at his PIR. I wish your family the best throughout these boot camp days. If you haven't already join the boot camp group. It is full of information about what to expect.
    Best of Luck, EG
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